Are Self-Driving Cars Safe?

April 24, 2017

In just a little over a decade, over 60% of all auto sales could be for self-driving cars. But we ask, can self-driving cars ever really be safe? After all, it would be solely computer operated and computers aren’t always the most reliable. Analysts purpose not only will self-driving cars be safe, they will be the safer way to get around. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 90% of all traffic accidents are caused by human error. 80% of humans behind the wheel said they drive in anger, aggression, and rage. That doesn’t sound too safe, right? And sadly, distracted driving cause 35,000 traffic fatalities a year. The statistics prove, humans are becoming more and more dangerous operating a vehicle. By eliminating the emotional component of driving and all the distractions, vehicle safety will already be on the upswing. The computers in a self-driving car will react quicker than the human mind and frankly aren’t susceptible to the many mistakes humans continuously make while driving. Also, self-driving cars are much safer for the environment. Transportation is responsible for over half of the carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide air pollution. Even though many self-driving cars will still release the same pollutions, their efficiency would be a huge step towards a cleaner and safer future. So the bottom line is, a future of the self-driving car will be a safer one.