1 hour 27 minutes and 37 seconds of Douglas Adams on parrots, towels and much more. For reals, it’s worth a listen.
Right now, as you read this, there are cities around the country big and small that are asking themselves this very question: How can we become the next Austin, Texas? Incredible, right? In 1986, Austin was a third-tier city known only as the home of the Texas Longhorns. But in READ MORE >
You may not be aware of this, but our own Joe Sequenzia is a car aficio-nutto. So it didn’t surprise us one iota when he toyed with the idea of adding March 29 to the list of official agency holidays because it’s opening day of the 2013 New York International READ MORE >
Introducing our newest addiction, Logos Quiz, the app that tests your logo memory. We’re big-time logo nerds, so we ignored the glitchy reviews, downloaded it fast and are having a blast playing it and challenging our friends. Think you can make it to Level 11? Check it out.
In our previous issue, we looked back to a time when music and fashion frocked the Casbah. This issue, we’re looking straight ahead like a runway model, never once shifting our gaze to acknowledge the A-list gawkers in our periphery. Fashion season kicked off in sizzling style with the 2013 READ MORE >
At first, we thought this was the work of The Onion. But in reality, it’s an extremely smart idea. On June 1 & 2 the White House will be launching a National Day of Civic Hacking where government agencies such as the Census Bureau and NASA will release data for READ MORE >
For Sale: single-family home. 5 bedrooms. 14,000 square feet. Exceptionally open concept. Steve Hermann’s Glass Pavilion takes everything that’s wonderful about modernism and displays it for everyone to see. The influences Philip Johnson’s glass house, and Mies Van Der Roh’s Barcelona Pavilion and Farnsworth house are obvious. The modern touches, READ MORE >
You may have heard of a little film festival in Park City Utah called Sundance. It’s no Lebowskifest, but we hear it’s quite popular with Hollywood’s tabloid elite and idealistic young filmmakers itching to sell out. Want a taste? A little catnip, perhaps? You can watch 12 of the festival’s READ MORE >
Or, as future generations will surely ask, “What’s a wallet?” After all, just about everything you can store in your wallet can now be digitized into your smartphone. Take gift cards for example. We love to give them (because we’re lazy) and receive them (it offsets the shame of our READ MORE >
We know it’s fun to bemoan just how far the original spirit of Sundance has jumped over the proverbial shark. We’re guilty of it ourselves (see above). But then we’re really just denying the reality of what Sundance has to offer year in and year out, and that’s quality filmmaking. READ MORE >