Olympic athletes are the definition/example of what mojo means to me. They are intense, who else will fight for a hundredth of a second? That’s mojo.
The powerpuff girls were my childhood – and their infamous villain, Mojo Jojo, was hilariously bad at beating them (though you could say he came close a few times). The PPG exemplify three awesome & powerful chicks, so it’s no surprise they’ve been updated to a more modern (and grown READ MORE >
There is nothing better than a really cool pattern, either in nature or designed. Textures give things life and depth. It makes things tangible and more interesting.
There are so many beautiful patterns and colors in nature that it’s a shame to just glaze over them. Finding a cool way to incorporate them into my work and my life is always a fun challenge.
Enhance the flavor of your favorite beer with this organoleptic hop transducer module. “What!?” I hear you saying. Check it out.
If there is anything that feeds my soul it’s the salty, savory and scrumptious meaty miracle that is… wait for it… BACON! But wait, Bacon & Bourbon!? Be still my heart. No, wait… Read more.
Creative Agency Grows Fruits Into Box Shapes, To Create ‘Real Juice Boxes’
Turquoise is the color of summer. It makes me happy. It adds a splash of color and personality. It’s the perfect pop of fun for anyone who wears a lot of black, white or beige – love it!