To promote CBS’ new fall lineup and Pepsi’s diet drink Pepsi Max, the two brands teamed up to take advantage of a new technology from Los Angeles-based Americhip, features a paper-thin interactive video player. It is being unveiled in an insert packaged with a co-branded ad that will appear in READ MORE >
We don’t know what side of the issue you’re on, and we’re not here to play politics, but rarely do you see a big brand make such a positive statement on an issue as polarizing as gay marriage. So kudos to Ben & Jerry’s for taking a risk few brands READ MORE >
Our resident DJ, BRAINWASH AND ABHORRENT JEST, is turning us on to the techno-mellow sounds of Ellipse, the new release from Frou Frou chanteuse Imogen Heap (or HOPE ENIGMA for those of you still playing the Anagram game.) Tracks like “First Train Home” and “Wait it Out” show an evolution READ MORE >
Many years ago, American Express ran a print ad featuring Lee Clow, an ad man who looks a lot like the late Jim Henson. It would be fair to say 99.9% of the people who saw the ad probably said, “I thought Jim Henson was dead.” But to the .1% READ MORE >
Here’s a fun Anagram site we found. It’s thirty seconds of your life you won’t mind spending. Courtesy of SQUEEZE A JOIN and your friends at the OK LIMB GL.
One of our favorite authors is back and as sharp as ever with her latest book, Observations of a Sometimes Stiletto-Wearing but Mostly Fleeced-Out Working Mom on the Outskirts of Manhattan. What happens when a triple A-type, high maintenance, high paid advertising writer resigns her job in Manhattan to pursue READ MORE >
We’re polishing up our latest TV commercial for Danbury Volkswagen. It will air this month during NFL telecasts and other select programming in the Connecticut area. If you didn’t see our last Danbury VW spot, you can always catch it in the “Our Work” section of our site, or on READ MORE >
Take a good look at the artwork. It’s not a photograph, though it’s based on one. And it’s not a painting, though the artist that created it began as a traditional painter. It’s a drawing. Drawn with a blue Bic pen. Actually many blue Bic pens are used to create READ MORE >
My daughter and I are going to the movies this weekend. We’ll probably see G-Force and will have the option to see it in Digital 3D or not. She will want to see it in 3D. I will not. It’s not because I don’t like 3D, because I do. The READ MORE >
Want to get your little tike a rocking horse? Get the kind Brando rode. Unfortunately, the one pictured isn’t available for sale, though we wish it were because it is awesome. German artist Felix Gotze built it for a 3-year old named Otto who lives across from a bike shop. READ MORE >