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Planetary Upgrade –

May 22, 2008

We teamed up with the Canaan Foundation to help bring computer technology to the developing world. The result:, which launched May 2nd to great reviews on BzzAgent. The average American company turns over its computer systems every three years. Donate them to and they’ll give them to children READ MORE >

Help Us Obi-Wan, We Need More Popcorn

May 22, 2008

Guaranteed to bring anyone to the dark side of Star Wars geekdom, the R2-D2 Digital Audio and Video Projector blows away the cool meter with the power of three Death Stars. It’s available for $3k at but is well worth it. The 25” replica actually rolls from room to READ MORE >

Hey Buddy, Can I Bum a Box Set?

May 22, 2008

Our favorite TV series returns for a second season in July (Oh, really? You love a show about advertising? Shocker.), and if you missed season one, you can catch every brilliant episode in this cleverly designed box which reminds us that the employees of Sterling Cooper smoke cigarettes as frequently READ MORE >

High Wireless Act – The Future of Electricity

May 22, 2008

You know those power cords you keep tripping over or try to hide from view? Well, they may be history sooner than later. A team at MIT is working on wireless power that works from room to room. Think about Wi-Fi for powering devices like TVs and appliances. The team READ MORE >

Excuse Me While I Slip Into My Batsuit

May 22, 2008

Secret passageways aren’t just for movies anymore. The crafty folks at Creative Home Engineering can fit your home with a bookcase, fireplace, or dresser that opens to reveal a hidden passage or room with the pull of a book or twist of a candlestick. It’s like something you would see READ MORE >

People Are Just Dying to Get In

May 22, 2008

Did you know that vacant spots in Heaven are filling up quickly? It’s true. According to the knowledgeable people at Reserve a Spot in Heaven, you have to reserve a spot now or you may not get in. That even goes for you, Oprah. They don’t play “favorites” up There. READ MORE >

Fashion Forward – IKEA Japan’s Subway Stunt

May 22, 2008

If you want to bring more people to your store, bring the store to the people. That’s what IKEA did in Japan when it outfitted subway cars with its trendy furnishings, which makes a lot of sense. A subway car is actually bigger than many Japanese apartments. Check it out.

The Kitt-In Box Deletes Cats From Your Keyboard

May 22, 2008

It happens all too often. You’re typing away and your cat wants a little lap time, so it takes the high road right across your keyboard. The Kitt-In Box is a nifty way to keep kitty close without it getting too close. It even supports small dogs that like to READ MORE >

Flock to This – Bell X1

April 21, 2008

Finally, Bell X1 has arrived. The band’s 2005 release Flock has gone five-times platinum in Ireland and has finally been cleared for release here in the US. What was the hold up? Beats us. But it was well worth the wait. The genre-bending quintet delivers a complex, diverse album sure READ MORE >

Honest to Goodness Help

April 21, 2008

According to its site, Help Remedies “was created to make solving simple health issues simple.” And the company certainly delivers on that promise. Everything on the site is utterly clean and simple, from the writing to the package design. It’s like a generic with a healthy dose of personality. The READ MORE >