We all want to do our part to feed the hungry, but most of us are either too busy or just too lazy to get off our butts and pitch in. So Poverty.com and its sponsors are here to help with FreeRice.org – a simply beautiful site that turns giving READ MORE >
NASCAR Dads everywhere will get a kick out of the car emblem that lets everyone know what they’re really praying for. This and other down-home goodies like shirts that proclaim, “I’m the only hell my momma ever raised” come courtesy of our friends at Southernbrand.com, the “southern-styled guide to good READ MORE >
Freeze! Drop the mouse and step away from the Photoshop. Bad design is everywhere. Gratefully, the Design Police are on the scene with its funny and useful Visual Enforcement Kit. Spot some bad kerning or an unlawful (or just awful) use of Comic Sans?
The trend in skincare for consumers is getting back to nature and staying as far away from technology and chemicals as possible. Products that contain only the most traditional, simple ingredients are in. That’s why our client Dickinson Brands will do for skincare what pomegranate did for juice with its READ MORE >
Stock image site Veer promoted Gary Hustwit’s award-winning feature-length documentary about typography, graphic design and global visual culture with this a great mug. Designers work late hours trying to create visual culture, and coffee is their fuel, so both the mug and film are worth the price of admission. Check READ MORE >
Has anyone seen the remote? Hmmm, don’t think you’ll be asking that question anymore. Now a 20” remote may seem like overkill, but it’s not like TVs are getting any smaller. Hold this beauty next to your 40” plasma and you’ll see some more of the genius in its design. READ MORE >
Launching later this month, our client TripLife is introducing a feature-rich tool for business people who want to network like pros. Just enter a few details for a trip you have planned and you can see if there is anyone you want to meet on your flight, in your hotel, READ MORE >
Mary Mary Quite Contrary, have you seen this smart garden from AeroGrow? You can grow herbs, vegetables and flowers anywhere in your house without soil or sun in half the time. Pretty cool if you’re a city dweller who likes the idea of growing your own veggies but can’t do READ MORE >
Seriously one of the funniest, and at times crudest, ecard sites out there. If you’ve never seen it, well, you’ll never forget it when you do. We love the site’s use of old-style illustrations and the way they allow the messages to sneak up on you. We’d like to say READ MORE >
Bird dropping facials and snake massages may sound like something straight out of an episode of Fear Factor, but they’re really part of the growing list of strange options you might have at a luxury spa near you. An ancient Japanese secret often used by Geishas and available at Diamond READ MORE >