If you’re working on big vacation plans for this summer you may be debating over decisions on where to stay, and if you’re looking for some help the staff at Travel and Leisure have done their research. Traveling the world, they’ve stayed at countless new hotels and resorts and have READ MORE >
Toshiba has announced the launch of its Lapjacks service, allowing laptop owners to design an original, customized cover for their laptop, picking designs from a number of images on the website or from your own digital photos. They also have a practical use too – protecting from scratching and cosmetic READ MORE >
Matte finish paint seems to be all the rage these days in higher-end vehicles and concept cars (BMW M-series, anyone?), and HAMANN has no problem jumping on the bandwagon, down to the bright orange 20-inch rims. The company’s new modified F430, dubbed the “Black Miracle,” features orange and black matte READ MORE >
With the Pur Water Filtration System you can get filtered water complete with a hint of fruit flavor straight from your tap. All you need to do is pop these special flavor filters into your flitration unit, and enjoy the pure fruit essence that is now running from you faucet.
Apple stock plunged to the tune of $4 billion in only six minutes after a hoax email sent to Engadget was published on their site on May 16, 2007. The email detailed that the iPhone would be seriously delayed and would not meet it’s production deadline in June 2007 and READ MORE >
If you can’t actually have designer furniture in your hepcat bachelor pad, now you can possess a veritable Greatest Hits of Chair Design in 1/12 scale with the Masterpiece Chairs of the World Collection. That oughta fit in even cubby-hole apartments. The little seats are highly detailed, and some of READ MORE >
Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, just recently announced that they developed a new type of glue, dubbed “nano glue” that is not only inexpensive, but can supposedly bond ‘nearly anything’ together. The glue is supposedly “100,000 times thinner than a human hair” and the glue will get stronger when it READ MORE >
Whether you prefer yours shaken or stirred, a martini is almost sure to be a success when served in one of these Silver Martini Glasses from Christofle. Designed by Adam Tihany and chef Thomas Keller, these glasses are made of a combination of polished and brushed silver, and are extremely READ MORE >
If you ask me, wires are sentient creatures that tend to curl up together in a ball whenever you leave them alone. Callpod has thought of a brilliant idea to combat the tangled end of things by offering the Chargepod system. This unique six-point charging device lets you juice up READ MORE >
We’ve seen some pretty frightening things come over to the consumer electronics realm in the past, but Chris Dimino’s The Shining cuckoo clock is probably the most apt to leave a very unfriendly image burned in your mind. Designed by the same guru who brought us the keyboard waffle iron, READ MORE >