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“The Best Men Can Be”

December 14, 2021

If you’re looking for an ad that’ll make you think, look no further. Gillette’s “We Believe” campaign surfaced in 2019 during the height of the #MeToo movement and talks of “toxic masculinity” and immediately became a controversial topic of conversation. The ad’s aim was to take their age-old slogan—“the best READ MORE >

Corona Hard Seltzer with a Twist

December 14, 2021

When it comes to food and beverage, what better way to advertise your new product than to offer it to your customers for free? There’s a catch, though… and if you didn’t pay attention in high school Spanish then you might be in trouble. Nothing beats a Corona with a READ MORE >

Break Me Off a Piece of That…

December 14, 2021

Once upon a time, JetBlue offered a new direct flight from NYC to Palm Springs. There’s plenty of ways to advertise this, right? Wrong. JetBlue took “thinking outside the box” to a whole new level when they dropped massive blocks of ice into Manhattan. Inside these ice blocks were prizes READ MORE >

Lock it Up

December 14, 2021

28—that’s the number of school shootings we’ve had in the U.S. in 2021 alone. The most recent school shooting at Oxford High School in Michigan on November 30th sadly comes with little surprise and demands the attention of the nation when confronting the divisive topic of gun violence in the READ MORE >

The Era of the Don Drapers

November 19, 2021

If you’ve seen AMC’s Mad Men, you’ve probably wondered how to get a job in advertising—STAT. All jokes aside, the series paints a picture of advertising on Madison Avenue in the 1960’s complete with groundbreaking creative pitches, luxurious client dinners, and never-ending happy hours (seriously, all day long). It was READ MORE >

A Case Study on Nostalgic Advertising: Chili’s

November 19, 2021

Chili’s restaurant was never something to write home about but it is the epitome of consistency and comfort. You know what to expect when you walk into a Chili’s and until this moment, you probably thought you had their brand all figured out. Then came the “Chilin’ Since ‘75” campaign. READ MORE >

“The World May Never Know”

November 19, 2021

Admit it, Tootsie Rolls probably didn’t rank very high on your “favorite candy” list as a kid. In fact, you found the massive cluster of them at the bottom of your Halloween candy basket slightly disappointing. Tootsie Pops, on the other hand, were a step up. And with advertising like READ MORE >

Trust Me, the Beer Doesn’t Taste Better

November 19, 2021

Have you ever bought a product based solely on its unique packaging or a clever commercial that you wished you had thought of? I once fell victim to a brand I never thought I would… Miller Lite. They got someone who, for the most part, doesn’t voluntarily drink light beer… READ MORE >

Restless Wanderlust and Vintage Travel Ads

November 19, 2021

We just spent a substantial amount of time hiding out in our homes due to the lockdown and social distancing. Saying that time was “tough” is an understatement but it did reveal some silver linings—one of them being our increased gratitude and appreciation for traveling. Being locked away against our READ MORE >

How the Pandemic Impacted Consumer Behavior

November 5, 2021

The understatement of the year—the pandemic has changed the world as we know it. It’s no secret. You know it, I know it, and brands know it, too. In order to brave the storm of the pandemic, brands have had to change their tune in order to cater to the READ MORE >