Seeing that we are a marketing agency, things that are designed well catch my eye. However, things that are designed well that also happen to be truly amazing products that I enjoy are in a league of their own. Agave is the primary ingredient in many of my favorite things, READ MORE >
We get all excited when advertising inspires us to reach for our dreams and to strive to be better than we ever thought possible. Even better when that message does some pretty heavy lifting for a brand’s image and lovability. Closing in on 3-million hits, this spot by Widen + READ MORE >
This month, the Australian hotel chain, Art Series, will be turning the tables on their guests by reviewing them. The social experiment wants to see if the fear of getting a bad review on their Trip Advisor style guest-rating site will encourage better behavior. After all, better behavior makes for READ MORE >
Everyday we come to milk*, eager to find brilliant new ways to get the best of “Goliaths” rivals and deliver success to our “David” clients. We were excited to see what Malcolm Gladwell had to say in his latest book: David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling READ MORE >
There are several young parents at milk* so it’s no surprise that the topic of education comes up often at the lunch table. We were fascinated by this piece on the future of education. The Atlantic paints a picture of 2035, with students sitting in front of a massive screen READ MORE >
Science has proven that women are more attracted to taller men with symmetrical faces and strong jaws. Well, there’s not much a guy can do about those things, but the Business Insider put together this fun video with six scientifically proven things men CAN do to look more attractive. To READ MORE >
Introducing Viggo, an app that makes file sharing easy. The Way it works: Viggo takes the content you want shared (contact info, documents, pretty much whatever you want) and “throws” it into the air. Anyone within blue tooth range with the Viggo app will be able to access your shared information. READ MORE >
Visa asked 11,000 people: What do you think stands between you and where you want to be? The answers they received weren’t expected – there was a theme. The theme? Fear. Fear stops us from achieving our dreams. Fear stops us from going out and doing what we know we READ MORE >
Have you ever ridden a skateboard? Better question, have you ever fallen on your face while trying to ride a skateboard? If the answer is yes, then, oh boy, do we have something for you. Hammacher Schlemmer has invented a Post Modern Skateboard that, essentially, is two wheels with platforms READ MORE >
Attention Big Mac Nation. Now you can buy Big Mac paraphernalia. Don’t delay! I’m talking bed sheets, wallpaper, blankets, boots, jackets, shirts, long underwear, pillows, and even dog clothes. The possibilities are endless as long as we’re talking about a bunch of stuff with Big Macs on it.