Facebook is testing a new project that brings the popular social networking site to work – you know, in a way that won’t have your boss yell at you. The new Facebook at Work app is going through testing with an undisclosed list of companies. As of now, there is READ MORE >
All right, well, Google has done it again. The tech giant has come out with a new translator app that can translate spoken words and blocks of texts captured through the camera on your phone. All that time you spent in high school slaving laboriously over a Spanish to English READ MORE >
Nobody wants to be the guy with a minivan. Even people who have minivans don’t want them. But you can get to your kids without leaving the car! Yeah, ok, that’s a good point, but you must have to sell a little of yourself when you pick up the keys READ MORE >
There’s just nothing sexy about yogurt. But what if Tiffany & Co. designed the packaging? You would have to buy it, right? Just to say you did. It becomes a status thing – that’s the reason we stock our conference room with Voss water, not because it tastes better, water READ MORE >
Leo Burnett’s cover of the February issue of Cosmopolitan magazine has come out, but not without some controversy. In 2004, Shafilea Ahmed, a 17-year-old British-Pakistani woman was suffocated and murdered by her family after she refused an arranged marriage. This cover design aims to bring awareness and change to a READ MORE >
There’s something to be said for shrewd budgeting. It’s something no one wants to do, but if done correctly, can set you up for the rest of your life. Introduce John Steinert, 25, who has taken every aspect of his life and turned it into a comprehensive monthly budget. “I READ MORE >
The other day our project manager, Brian, was getting new tires in preparation for a winter’s worth of snow. Ironically, we all awoke that day to a blizzard (well not a real blizzard, but you get the point), but Brian had to drive to the tire place anyway. As he READ MORE >
We’re always thinking about how to approach sales differently, but this story made our heads spin, literally! The Dutch real estate company, Huizen Promoter, has put together an open house in which a roller coaster guides the tour throughout their client’s home. With the amount of attention this house is READ MORE >
Every man has his preference. Sometimes we decide to switch it up, but more often than not, we feel more comfortable with one option than the other. Recently, The Wall Street Journal came out with a piece that explores the positives and negatives to each side of the dress shirt READ MORE >
Is everyone with me when I say I am so sick of Microsoft Excel? Just opening one of those spreadsheets gives me an instant headache – probably due to repressed memories of anytime I had to do any sort of accounting – yuck. Here’s a tool that’s like Excel on READ MORE >