Country music. More specifically the feel good tunes of Zac Brown Band. If you think country isn’t for you youre wrong. I listen to ZBB in the car, at the gym, in the shower, and while traveling somewhere I can put my toes in the water and behind in the READ MORE >
Mass produced meets art I love this artists medium for their spectacular vases, hundreds of pencils.
I’ve been in the same book group since 1999. One member’s son used to play with his toys on the floor while we discussed the book. The last time we met, that same son asked for the car keys. We read ten novels a year and I can’t fully describe READ MORE >
We’ve been curious at how the Google Glass project is coming along and found this piece on the BBC tech page, which was worth the read. Right now Google Glass is in beta testing and if you have a gmail and google wallet and a spare $1,700 you might be READ MORE >
We’re excited to come to work everyday to help spread the word about our client’s wonderful products, and we’re lucky to have so many great ones, but this piece on consumerism caught our eye. Most of us find ourselves happier when we spend our paychecks on enriching experiences like trips READ MORE >
Okay, you’re sitting with your therapist going through word associations. They say “high-performance” you say “Porsche”. They say “Porsche” you say “911” or will you scream out “Cayman GT4”? Car and Driver Magazine seems surprised to learn that a new Cayman may be challenging the 911 for the top performance READ MORE >
How does an up-and-coming fashion designer make an impact? Tanya Taylor (favorite of Rashida Jones and Jessica Alba) turned to artist Kalen Hollomon to help get her resort collection noticed. Hollomon, a studied fine artist, who has risen to popularity thanks to an on-going series of less studied works that READ MORE >
We don’t usually think of Apple buying up other companies. They’re pretty good at developing their own cool stuff, but their latest talks with Beats has been seen as a move to get a stronger foothold in the music accessories business and bolster their online music offerings. Two areas that READ MORE >
Google is doing their best to make the self-driving car a reality sooner rather than later. With many successful highway tests behind them, Google has moved the testing to the streets around their hometown of Mountain View, California. “A mile of city driving is much more complex than a mile READ MORE >
MicroPhone? A computer company breaking into the mobile phone business? That sounds familiar. Well, if you’re looking at trends in computers vs. mobile phone sales, it’s no wonder Microsoft purchased Nokia’s mobile phone business last week for 5.4 billion Euros. According to global projections the purchase of computers has more READ MORE >