BPC Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary

March 13, 2017

2017 marks the Bipartisan Policy Center’s 10th anniversary. For a decade, BPC has worked to find actionable solutions to America’s major policy challenges. Since its formation in 2007 and under the guidance of its founders—Senate Majority Leaders Howard Baker, Tom Daschle, Bob Dole, and George Mitchell—BPC has debated differences, forged hard-fought compromises, and found consensus on issues critical to all Americans. Since 2014, BPC has entrusted milk* with representing the brand across traditional and digital channels. It was truly an honor for us to be invited to attend their event. Upon walking in, we immediately felt the impact that our work has had on the organization. Anytime a client has a celebration and you are charged with the branding effort, it is a bit unnerving as stakeholders are paying a bit closer attention and are more involved on a regular basis. As a firm believer in the value of a relationship and exceeding expectations, the milk* team knocked this one out of the park across the board.  The event felt superbly branded. We started over a year ago, first developing the logo, then the messaging, and then tactically hitting email blasts, invitations, signage, digital displays, photo booth graphics & props, table cards, and a refreshed website. All delivered ahead of schedule and well within the budget provided. BPC received an enormous social lift with mentions coming from major media sites such as ABC down to local influencers, generating over 4 million Twitter and Instagram impressions for the events hashtag and brand name. The highlight of the evening was when former Vice President Joe Biden spoke for 22 minutes, standing in front of our step and repeat and at our podium, we couldn’t help but feel the energy building throughout the room and all eyes on our clients brand. It is those moments in which we remember and cherish it is what we do. Those moments are not guaranteed and are not always noticed. Like everything in our business, this event was not about us, it was about BPC and their 10 years of trying to improve the policy of this country in a way that benefits all, not just one.