Kudos to Caribou Coffee and its agency for this wonderful idea to promote Caribou’s hot breakfast sandwiches. These bus shelters not only resemble ovens, but they also include real heaters, which keep commuters warm as they wait for the bus. Yes, we are aware of our own hypocrisy here considering READ MORE >
It’s that time again when every agency fusses and frets over the most important assignment of the year: the agency holiday card. You have total creative freedom but oh so little time. There have been a lot of agency holiday card spoofs, but for our money nothing beats this one.
First, Subway spokesman Michael Phelps gets caught smoking a bong, and now the brand’s miracle dieter Jared Fogle looks like he got a heavy case of the munchies. These indiscretions aren’t nearly as bad, or costly, as Tiger Woods’, but for Subway and Fogle, both of whom have raked in READ MORE >
We recently discovered this 2005 book by the late great Phil Dusenberry and can’t put it down (Ok, we work 23 hours a day, but hour 24 is devoted to reading). Then We Set His Hair on Fire contains many of the stories from a hall-of-fame advertising career that included READ MORE >
On September 1st we posted about the advertising documentary Art & Copy and referenced that advertising great Lee Clow bore a striking resemblance to the late great Jim Henson – but we didn’t provide proof. Our bad. We’ll let you guess who’s who.
American Express is running a new commercial to promote its purchase protection service. The spot uses a series of images featuring everyday objects or scenes that resemble a sad face or happy face (see the screen grab above.) It’s a nice spot. Simple and well executed. But here’s the rub READ MORE >
Back in June we posted about the storm brewing in the coffee category when McDonald’s went all-in with McCafé. Well the pot is boiling over. Have you seen this t-shirt from Dunkin’ Donuts? It reads, “Friends don’t let friends drink Starbucks.” Not sure who would pay $14 for it, but READ MORE >
To promote CBS’ new fall lineup and Pepsi’s diet drink Pepsi Max, the two brands teamed up to take advantage of a new technology from Los Angeles-based Americhip, features a paper-thin interactive video player. It is being unveiled in an insert packaged with a co-branded ad that will appear in READ MORE >
We don’t know what side of the issue you’re on, and we’re not here to play politics, but rarely do you see a big brand make such a positive statement on an issue as polarizing as gay marriage. So kudos to Ben & Jerry’s for taking a risk few brands READ MORE >
Many years ago, American Express ran a print ad featuring Lee Clow, an ad man who looks a lot like the late Jim Henson. It would be fair to say 99.9% of the people who saw the ad probably said, “I thought Jim Henson was dead.” But to the .1% READ MORE >