These motion-activated drumsticks allow you to drum along with songs from a connected iPod or similar music device with an audio output. The control module clips to a belt and has a cable for your iPod and another audio output for connecting to a stereo system or headpones for silent READ MORE >
Aaah, the poor sock. Never in a great position to be innovative, the sleepy everyday sock has just gotten a shock. France-based, and ever fashionable, Minisock de Delphine Murat injects the industry with flair. Half sock, half design, these socks dress up a pair of drab dress shoes like none READ MORE >
Jolt, the orignal energy drink, is making a comback. Popular in the late 80’s and early 90’s. Jolt will be relaunched in a resealable aluminum can. We will keep you posted.
Appearing across Japan recently is something called the “charity vending machine,” which allows users to donate their change to such good causes as environmental conservation and child welfare at the push of a button. These machines have been well-received by consumers, who enjoy being able to contribute to a cause that interests them when READ MORE >
In a world obsessed with making things smaller, it is refreshing to see the little things a little bigger. Command Sit is a new line of stools that really make a statement. View here.
Wear your city’s pride on your sleeve, or cuff. We are in love with these cool manhole cover cufflinks. They have versions from New York, Chicago, London, Boston, Paris and Rome. Check them out here.
There’s good news for parents just in time for the start of soccer season. Since researchers at Indiana University found that chocolate milk beat out other sports drinks hands down when it came to helping athletes recover from intense workouts, sports nutritionists nationwide have gone back-to-basics and recommended it to their athletes. When you play READ MORE >
So you’re going to have a(nother) kid, right? Before you name that new him or her Dakota, thinking it totally original, only to meet 10 on the first day of school, check out a website launched by Laura Wattenberg, called The Baby Name Wizard. This site will tell you READ MORE >
Daily Candy, one of the oldest and most respected trend emailers, has launched a new service for people on-the-go who need-to-know. Daily Candy FindMe allows mobile users to simply text message Restaurant, Bar, Shop, or Spa (more coming soon) to [email protected] and receive access to an amazing database of cool READ MORE >
Antoineet Manuel has created unique wall graphic on vinyl transfers. They come in 10 modular tiles, 50×50 cm each, allowing many personalized compositions on matte black backgrounds. A truly beautiful way to recreate a room.