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Calling All Star Wars Fans

October 27, 2015

Last week was a huge week for Star Wars fans and our very own Jedi, Joe Sequenzia. The excitement began last Monday with the release of the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer. Almost any site frequented by the Big Bang Theory guys will give you all the commentary READ MORE >

Fanatical Burgers

October 27, 2015

All that shines isn’t gold and this “Silver” burger from McDonald’s China isn’t earning glowing reviews. In case you’re not in the know, the latest fast-food trend is limited-edition burgers with bizarre colored buns. Here in the US, Burger King released a limited edition Halloween Whopper featuring a black bun. READ MORE >

All Things Must Pass

October 27, 2015

Once upon a time before iTunes, Pandora and Amazon, there were record stores and by the 1990s there were mega-record stores. For anyone visiting Manhattan from the ‘70s – ‘90s, Tower Records was a must see. The world’s biggest and best record store nestled in NYU’s campus just off St. READ MORE >

Apple’s Predatory Hiring

October 27, 2015

We’re always on the look out for news about Apple’s electric car, so our interest was piqued by this piece about the collapse of Mission Motors and their electric motorcycle startup. Apparently, Apple nabbed enough key talent to send them into bankruptcy and rumor has it, Apple’s relentless automotive poaching READ MORE >

BBC Commentary of North Korean Military Parade Over British Royal Family Footage

October 27, 2015

To come up with compelling advertising, we think about perceptions and the feelings connected to those perceptions. That’s why we found this video so intriguing. A YouTuber took BBC commentary from a massive North Korean military parade and put it over footage of a celebration of Queen Elizabeth II’s birthday. READ MORE >

An Open Letter (or Rant, Really) from Gen-X

October 27, 2015

As marketers, we only pay slight attention to the supposed mindset differences between the “generations” that strategic planners invented. Boomers, Gen-X, Millennials, etc…. I mean we certainly don’t think exactly like everyone else that’s our same age. Yet, it’s fun to sink to the football rivalry level and pit Boomers READ MORE >

The New Personal Mobility Vehicles

October 13, 2015

Our leader, Joe Sequenzia is obsessed with what’s coming next, especially when it comes to transportation. He recently sent around this future focused gallery of the latest concepts in personal mobility vehicles from CNN. Check out the cool entries from Honda including the Uni-Cub, a hands-free mobile device that can READ MORE >

Apple Gives iPad Pro to the Pros

October 13, 2015

Apple is gearing up to release its latest and greatest, the iPad Pro. This iPad will be the opposite of the “toy” you give your kid in exchange for peace and quiet. This professional model is targeting high-end creatives who want a powerful, portable device. Some early drops have included READ MORE >

Facebook for Famous People

October 13, 2015

A year or so ago, Facebook created Mentions, an exclusive app available only to public figures, designed to help them “keep in touch with their fans.” If you’re curious to see what Facebook looks like to Lebron James and Kim Kardashian you’ll enjoy seeing these side-by-side screen grabs of “normal” READ MORE >

YouTube Celebrity

October 13, 2015

This fall a new generation is headed to college and these kids can’t remember a time without computers, email, texting and smartphones. They’re reinventing everything, including how to become a celebrity. One new launchpad to stardom is barely ten-year-old YouTube, and I’m not talking about singers, sports stars and actors, READ MORE >