The days of self-driving cars are upon us! Google has already been sending their self-driving fleet around the world to make their application, Google Maps, even more accurate. But now, the United Kingdom is getting ready to set the self-driving cars loose on their roads! Here are 11 reasons to READ MORE >
One of the best things about art is it is not partial to a specific medium or location. All around the world new meccas of art are emerging. The Wall Street Journal has outlined four emerging art cities that we should all take a closer look at: Bogotá, Budapest, Johannesburg READ MORE >
Advances in technology and design have changed everything, including the car key. Remember those little silver keys? We don’t either. Our friends at have outlined their choices for the top 10 coolest car keys. The BMW i8 key has a high-res LCD screen that indicates the car’s available range, READ MORE >
When you think of the city Berlin, you automatically think of the Berlin Wall. It divided the German population for 28 years before being torn down in November of 1989. It’s always inspired controversy and has attracted countless artists eager to respond, to its symbolic meanings. It’s no wonder that READ MORE >
It’s easy to disappear into the world of technology. We all do it – at the store waiting in line, at red lights, and during our lunch breaks. Why not use our time to put the SMART back into Smartphone? The folks over at CNN came up with a top READ MORE >
Emoji’s now come pre installed to keyboards with the new iOS8 for Apple products. But do you know where emoji got its start? has laid out their history for us with the help of Jeremiah Warren and Greyson MacAlpine. Emoticons are textual portrayals of a writer’s mood in the READ MORE >
Something you may not have known about the new iOS8 update for Apple products is that it came with an API allowing third-party developers to have precise control over the workings of the iOS camera functions. This new feature allows for developers to come up with more professional photo apps, READ MORE >
Wouldn’t it be cool if there was an app where you could have access to “how-to” guides for just about every angle of life? And maybe even those guides could be a step-by step process that included pictures? Oh wait… there is! Our friends at Snapguide have answered our “how-to” READ MORE >
It’s really easy to get lost in the Internet. Our friends at stumble upon have made it even easier. is a website that is dedicated to finding and collecting a readers interests, in a plethora of outlets on the Internet, and putting them all in one place. Its really READ MORE >
Kickstarter is known for bringing creative projects to life through online crowd funding. After launching in April of 2009 the company has already successfully funded over 135,000 projects. One of the coolest projects we’ve seen so far is the Nanoleaf Bloom. It’s a light bulb straight out of the future. READ MORE >