Content. Made fresh daily.

The Younger You Are the Quicker You Tweet.

December 9, 2013

At milk* and our new sister agency, milk*media, we often ponder the use of the second screen and we were thrilled to find this piece courtesy of Pepsi on the multi screen world of the millennials. Pepsi has a long history in event marketing and recently decided to do some READ MORE >

Introducing milk*media. Our New Sibling That’s Obsessed with Media

December 9, 2013

We move. We breathe. We communicate. We are energy moving constantly forward. This is media today and to have impact you need experts to convert this energy into meaningful connections between consumers and brands. This is why milk* is thrilled to introduce our new sibling: milk*media is working wonders. Learn READ MORE >

Is there more than one right answer?

November 6, 2013

At milk*, we spend a lot of time working to find the core essence of a brand, and that knowledge will always be key to our clients’ success. That said, this article on has us rethinking what we might do once a brand hits cyberspace. Brand theorist, John Wilshire, READ MORE >

Life before TED Talks?

November 6, 2013

There is nothing more compelling than hearing iconic people talk about their passions. Consider the enormous success of the TED talks series, but what if you’re curious to hear what artists who came before YouTube had to say? For that, we’re thankful for Blank on Blank has helped thousands READ MORE >

Fish Can’t See Water.

November 6, 2013

At milk*, we work hard to put ourselves into the consumer headspace and while we are usually thinking domestically, this review of “Fish Can’t See Water: How National Cultures Can Make or Break Corporate Strategy” caught our eye. In the 1990’s Walmart decided to expand into Germany by purchasing two READ MORE >

How Did You Spend Your Day?

November 6, 2013

Every now and then, we here at milk* give some thought to the “bigger picture” and this piece on peaked our interest. This review of Annie Dillard’s book: The Writing Life, teases us with some juicy open-ended questions. Is today’s age one where the great dream is trading up READ MORE >

The Rhythm Social Experiment.

November 6, 2013

Over the years, milk* has developed a long list of friends who challenge convention and dive into their passions, leaving us motivated and smiling. Glenn Schloss is one of our inspirations and he’s recently started “The Rhythm Social Experiment”. Here is a excerpt from Glenn’s blog explaining his experiment: “As READ MORE >

What’s the ROI on College Degrees?

October 23, 2013

We all know that what you actually learn in the classroom is only part of what makes college such a valuable life experience, but an era of ever-rising, higher education costs, ever-tougher job markets and student loans hitting trillions of dollars, those heading to college may want to give some READ MORE >

Can Jane Austen Make You A Better Person?

October 23, 2013

We here at milk* love reading our zombie, vampire and shades-of-whatever trilogies, but after finding this piece in the digital pub, Quartz, we’ve rotated in some Faulkner and Angelou. According to a recent study by the New School in New York City, people who read literary fiction are better able to READ MORE >

Happiness = Reality – Expectation

October 23, 2013

Every generation has faced challenges. I grew up in the instant food and synthetic fabric revolution, two innovations (Tang and polyester) we may have been better off without. Has Generation Y (those born between1980-2000) been given an extra challenging set of circumstances? They are not facing world war or a READ MORE >