Sorry about the headline. Couldn’t resist. But here are five commuter friendly iPhone apps to try (especially if you’re buzzing around town on your new BRAMMO Enertia). Bike Your Drive is a free app that allows bike commuters to calculate things like how far they’ve biked, how many calories they’ve READ MORE >
There are many reasons to love what’s going on with the green movement, but to us one of the coolest is the wonderful design that’s coming out of it. Being responsible and sustainable doesn’t mean you have to be boring. Take the Enertia from BRAMMO. It’s a 100% electric motorcycle READ MORE >
On September 1st we posted about the advertising documentary Art & Copy and referenced that advertising great Lee Clow bore a striking resemblance to the late great Jim Henson – but we didn’t provide proof. Our bad. We’ll let you guess who’s who.
Pearl Jam returns with “Backspacer,” its first album of new material since 2006’s self-titled release “Pearl Jam.” It’s great to hear this band again. While it can be debated that Pearl Jam never achieved the level of success we thought they would when they exploded onto the scene with the READ MORE >
British architect Julian Hakes has designed a shoe with no footplate called the Mojito. While it may not look comfortable, the wraparound shoe was designed on Hakes’ observation that the force of movement in a footstep is primarily through the ball and heel of the foot, so the footplate is READ MORE >
Come on, you knew utensil innovation couldn’t end with the spork, right? Introducing the Knork. By “incorporating critical modifications into the age-old fork design, the Knork enables a user to both cut and spear food using only one utensil.” You might be thinking, “wouldn’t it also slice my tongue?” We READ MORE >
Want to open a bakery in NYC but can’t afford the rent? Buy a truck! That’s what a couple of enterprising bakers did recently, and now they’re sharing their goodies with New Yorkers who want something more than the normal morning bagel or bear claw. Google The Treats Truck and READ MORE >
Not since the short life of the Saturn EV-1 has the promise of Electric Vehicles been so promising. Auto makers around the world are working on EV models and it will be a company like Better Place that will provide the infrastructure with “a network of charge spots, switch stations READ MORE >
On Saturday, September 26, cable network Nickelodeon held its Worldwide Day of PLay and shut down for three hours. That’s right, it aired no programming at all and instead broadcast a message encouraging kids to go out and play. Good for you, Nick. Here’s hoping that other networks follow suit.
“Thousands of years ago, thirteen crystal heads were scattered across the earth – and they are greater and more powerful than anything we have the ability to manufacture today. Their workmanship is perfect: they contain no tool marks and have been cut against the natural axis of the crystal, defying READ MORE >