Content. Made fresh daily.

The 2035 Classroom

April 14, 2015

There are several young parents at milk* so it’s no surprise that the topic of education comes up often at the lunch table. We were fascinated by this piece on the future of education. The Atlantic paints a picture of 2035, with students sitting in front of a massive screen READ MORE >

Throw ‘Em Up

April 1, 2015

Introducing Viggo, an app that makes file sharing easy. The Way it works: Viggo takes the content you want shared (contact info, documents, pretty much whatever you want) and “throws” it into the air. Anyone within blue tooth range with the Viggo app will be able to access your shared information. READ MORE >

Space Junk: The Collectibles

March 2, 2015

Neil Armstrong had a secret. The first man on the moon kept a souvenir now infamously dubbed “The Purse” in the aeronautics community. The Purse is essentially what it sounds like: a bag. However, this particular bag contains parts from the original Apollo 11 journey, most notably, the 16mm movie READ MORE >

Remembering Your Facebook

March 2, 2015

The morbid reality of life is that, at some point, it ends. We all take steps to prepare for that inevitability. We draft wills and ensure those that we car about are taken care of and know what to do in the case of our untimely departure. Now that includes READ MORE >

Understand More

January 21, 2015

All right, well, Google has done it again. The tech giant has come out with a new translator app that can translate spoken words and blocks of texts captured through the camera on your phone. All that time you spent in high school slaving laboriously over a Spanish to English READ MORE >

Budget Wisely

January 21, 2015

There’s something to be said for shrewd budgeting. It’s something no one wants to do, but if done correctly, can set you up for the rest of your life. Introduce John Steinert, 25, who has taken every aspect of his life and turned it into a comprehensive monthly budget. “I READ MORE >

For the Techie

December 1, 2014

While the list could go on and on about what to get for the techie on your list – this was by far one of our favorites! Brookstone’s traveling HDMI pocket projector is small in size, but not in capability. It will project images up to 80’’, is rechargeable, will READ MORE >

The secret is out! Milk* redesign of BPC’s Website has launched.

November 18, 2014

The Bipartisan Policy Center engaged milk* to redesign and restructure their website.  The new site puts them into a category all their own for political content.  We made the site dynamic, simplified navigation, and made their vast amount of content easily searchable. There is now greater access to events, breaking READ MORE >


November 4, 2014

A (food) picture is worth a thousand words, and nothing says “That was delicious!” more than posting a shot of your latest gastronomic delight for all your friends to see. In fact, Erin Cunningham of noticed that certain restaurants seem to show up in New Yorkers’ news feeds all READ MORE >

No Driver Needed

October 22, 2014

The days of self-driving cars are upon us! Google has already been sending their self-driving fleet around the world to make their application, Google Maps, even more accurate. But now, the United Kingdom is getting ready to set the self-driving cars loose on their roads! Here are 11 reasons to READ MORE >

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