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CSD lost it’s FIZZ?

June 21, 2006

Okay, so recently I read a pretty good article in Brandweek about certain brands gaining strength, without it immediately be reflected by marketshare. Interesting. It got me thinking about Pepsi and Coke and what’s going on within the CSD market right now. It’s no shock to anyone that today’s Millennials’ are READ MORE >

T-Shirts 2.0

June 20, 2006 is a T-Shirt company and it has some of the coolest, most beautiful, original T-Shirts we’ve ever seen…. Who designs the Threadless product? You do! is an on-going T-shirt design competition. Anyone can submit their design and if it gets a high enough score and is chosen by the Threadless crew it will READ MORE >

Eco-Chic Entrepreneurs

June 19, 2006

Known as the candy wrapper handbags, Ecoist‘s bags (USD 28-58) are made from misprinted or discontinued snack bags, soda labels and candy wrappers. A family business based in Miami, the company believes that consumers should be able to enjoy a modern lifestyle, buying their favorite things, while also doing good to the Earth. Material that READ MORE >

The New Marketing Reality – Andy Warhol Predicts the Future, Kind of…

June 19, 2006

Andy Warhol once said that “in the future, everyone will be famous for 15 min”; the truth is, every day, someone is famous for 15 seconds. There was a time not too long ago when in order to be a cultural maven on any subject, you would actually have to READ MORE >

The Luxury Fractional Lifestyle – How the Other 1/32 Lives

June 19, 2006

Now, more than ever, a large segment of the population are finding themselves “Cash Rich and Time Poor”.  Many people are finding themselves with the means to live an extraordinary life, but are not sure how to participate. Whether it is new money (a dot-com that worked), generational money (thanks READ MORE >

Quiznos – Thinking Around the Obvious

June 17, 2006

It seems like, these days, every fast food joint is heavily promoting its healthy menu. In response to Americas “cry” to eat more healthy, McDonald’s and the like are offering earth-grown fare in addition to its normal culinary delights. The challenge is simply this: how do you market a salad READ MORE >

When Travelers Tell All – Conversational Marketing™

June 16, 2006

Everyday companies are starting to utilize the principles of Conversational Marketing™. A great, real-world example is a community for lucrative business travelers. Starwood recently was receiving so many suggestions and complaints on the site that a senior executive was asked to monitor the site and keep an eye on READ MORE >

Sirius Blog Radio – Shaping Radio Play

June 12, 2006

The basic principle of Red Rocket’s Conversational Marketing is that, for the first time in marketing history, consumers have the ability to actively shape brands, products and messaging. The Internet has provided a well-lit stage for consumers to trade information, recommend ideas and populate trends. It used to be that READ MORE >


June 8, 2006

What do you do when your tech company’s revenues start to go south? Call in
the patent lawyers. Five years ago, Vtel was on the wrong end of a dwindling
market for videoconferencing hardware. Then a review of the company’s
patents unearthed a way to claim one of the core algorithms in JPEG, READ MORE >

June 7, 2006

We did it again. Milk has launched it’s 2006 website update. Nominated for an Webby award (and receiving honorable mention) we have been receiving great reviews on its functionality and design. Make sure you find some time to check it out. Client case studies, philosophies, bios, it’s all there.