Grocery Luxe

January 21, 2015

There’s just nothing sexy about yogurt. But what if Tiffany & Co. designed the packaging? You would have to buy it, right? Just to say you did. It becomes a status thing – that’s the reason we stock our conference room with Voss water, not because it tastes better, water is water, but because when you see a brand name on anything, especially a premium one, it creates new value. So, what if premium, high-end brands started making designer food? Peddy Margui, an Israel-based designer, gives us a look at what the world would look like if the likes of Ferrari, Burberry, and more were found in our grocery store. The packaging alone is worth the buy. Designer butter? Yes please, I want that. Versace individually wrapped eggs? I don’t know how I lived my life without these before. iMilk? Come on. The amount of times consumers buy inferior products just because of the name is immeasurable. But wrap up anything in Nike packaging and we’re going to buy it. That’s just how it is.