Ken’s New Makeover

June 26, 2017

Mattel’s blonde haired and blue eyed beau Ken doll was just victim of a much needed makeover. He is revamped, renovated, and redone. Recently, Mattel has found success in their strategy to redefine what a Barbie and what a Ken should look like to keep up with today’s generation. But, it has taken Ken fifty-six years for his transformation. The evolution of the new Ken doll was a natural progression for the brand and opens up endless opportunities for those who play with Mattel dolls about the roles they now want the dolls to play. The new Ken doll is equipped with an updated wardrobe, ranging from camouflage shorts to a colorful tuxedo. His physique varies from slim, original, and broad and is remodeled with seven different skin tones. And then there is the new hair. Not only does the new Ken doll have eight different hair colors, but also nine different hairstyles (and yes one is a man bun). Good luck to anyone who sports a man bun because now they will probably always be referred to as ‘man bun Ken’! But it’s Mattel’s effort to stay up to date with today’s beauty standards and physical acceptance is where the real story is. The new looks are an attempt to bring the attraction and attention back in doll playing. More children nowadays are playing with screens versus traditional toys and Barbie is experiencing a steady sales decline because of this. With the help of some professional plastic stylists, there’s a new doll in town. Let your imagination run wild!