Robert Downey, Jr. Announces Plan to Save the World (No Iron Suit Required)

June 7, 2019

The Avengers saga as we know it came to an end in April with “Endgame” (sort of), but Tony Stark isn’t done rescuing humanity just yet. Robert Downey Jr. took a page out of his beloved character’s playbook this week by announcing a coalition to clean up the Earth at Amazon’s re:MARS event.

Downey, true to his on-and-off-screen smooth-talking self, took the stage to introduce the Footprint Coalition, an effort to clean the world using robots and nanotechnology. He was Elon Musk-esque, with a lofty promise of getting it mostly done within the next decade.

We’ll see how effective the Footprint Coalition truly is, but no matter what, it’s an admirable step by Downey. After more than 10 years in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it seems like saving the world may be ingrained in his spirit.