Seek Revenge

January 21, 2015

The other day our project manager, Brian, was getting new tires in preparation for a winter’s worth of snow. Ironically, we all awoke that day to a blizzard (well not a real blizzard, but you get the point), but Brian had to drive to the tire place anyway. As he completed his bold and dangerous voyage, a man in a white SUV cut him off as he was entering the parking lot, causing him to skid and almost get into an accident. If that’s not bad enough, this jabroni got ahead of Brian in line and left the store a full hour before Brian’s car was ready. Long story short, we hate that guy. And now there’s something perfectly legal you can do to get back at the people you (ir)rationally hate. Glitter bomb the heck out of them. Go to, pay the 10AUD, which is like $8.50 American, and get your revenge. It’s that easy.