Simon Sinek Sounds Off

January 13, 2017

Parenting. Technology. Impatience. Environment. Four pillars that renowned author, speaker, and consultant Simon Sinek credits as to why millennials today are they way they are, especially in the workplace. Firstly, he says the parenting pillar can basically be summed up in one theory – “The Participation Trophy”. It is expected to be praised for your accomplishments and successes; they are no longer earned but rather given. This fantasy mentality significantly hurts a young adult starting off their career because they quickly realize that is not the reality of the workplace and real life sets in. Secondly, the addictions of technology Sinek says are equivalent to the addictions of smoking, alcoholism, and gambling and the release of dopamine. The behaviors are shockingly parallel. Thirdly, millennials have grown up in a world of instant gratification. Everything and anything they want nowadays they can have instantaneously. The problem arises when instant gratification is unachievable (i.e. job satisfaction and meaningful relationships). Just think about how many times you have heard the response “fine” when asking a question about something. Is that the best it is going to get for millennials? Finally, environment or the lack there of is why millennials are struggling now more then ever. “The lack of great leadership is making them feel the way they do”, Sinek describes. Sinek’s eerily accurate discussion on millennials today provokes the inevitable question, where do we go from here?