Sirius Blog Radio – Shaping Radio Play

June 12, 2006

The basic principle of Red Rocket’s Conversational Marketing is that, for the first time in marketing history, consumers have the ability to actively shape brands, products and messaging. The Internet has provided a well-lit stage for consumers to trade information, recommend ideas and populate trends. It used to be that brands developed brands and products and consumers either bought or opted not to. Today, consumers look at a brand, take what they like and create new trends out of the core brand essence. By taking an active inventory of Internet chatter by monitoring blogs, websites, new product launches, marketers can stay on message and on trend with quickly-shifting market conditions.

The Sirius satellite channel “Left of Center” has introduced a new featured show called “_blog radio”. Every weeknight at 10 p.m. ET, Left of Center gives you the latest in alt.rock through an organic network of music bloggers. From these music aficionados, new and rare tracks are introduced to listeners. Some of these new bands and signers have succeeded to be regularly featured on the various Sirius channels.

Bloggers are introducing listeners to bands like: Cassettes Won’t Listen, Os Mutantes, Hollertronix, Cold War Kids. This takes us back to our college listening days, but now they’re produced on a much bigger and more influential stage.

Much like the Sirius model, the future of marketing is going to be consumer driven. It will be a world where brands will be shaped and mutated by the will of the people. In fact, it has already begun.

Michael Kosowicz
Senior Partner