Snapchat Grows Up

July 22, 2016

milk* blogged, Snapchat is ambitiously trying to move away from its ‘teen phenomenon’ stereotype and into more of an advertising social media contender” in one of our June blogs. Well, we were right. Alcohol brands are beginning to advertise on the app. Marketers are growing more confident of the app’s ability to monitor adult content away from users under the legal age limit. Beer and liquor industries have mandated regulations that ads can only be placed on media outlets where 71.6% of the audience is over 21 years of age. Ironically, Snapchat has not publicly disclosed its percentage of under age users and beer and liquor companies are still advertising. Their argument being that they are only serving ads to users who are of age based on their birthdates (required upon registration for the app). However, nothing stops a user from lying about their birthdate. Beam Suntory (whose brands include Jim Beam and Pinnacle Vodka) limits its Snapchat advertising to Snap Ads to avoid content sharing amongst age groups. “At the end of the day, we trust these adult consumers are going to behave like responsible adults and do the right thing,” said Snapchat’s Public Affairs VP. And as milk* discussed with our readers over a month ago, Snapchat is slowly but surely growing up.