
May 30, 2017

Nostalgia is as hot as ever in Hollywood right now. And we are seeing it full force in television. Many TV networks are reuniting their audiences with beloved sitcom families. James Corden joked, “this is like your own personal “Groundhog Day”. A lot of buzz is around the return of ‘Will & Grace’ and ‘American Idol’. ‘Will & Grace’ has largely been credited with paving the way for gay characters on television (Jack and his jazz hands anyone?!) and ‘American Idol’ still reigns as the all-time reality signing competition to come to television. Some wonder if the jokes and judges will still be funny and relevant over a decade later, but with more scripted television shows on broadcast, cable, and streaming now and programmers struggling to make their shows stand out, it makes sense to reboot and revive classics to generate hype across time and generations, bringing back the characters we all loved so much. Another likely reason for this reboot trend could be credited to the mental and physical state the people currently reside in. The majority of the shows being reintroduced are either shows that are light-hearted, humor-filled, families engulfed in an economic struggle, or our favorite singing competitions, but all have a universal feel of familiarity and comfort, feelings that seem to be missing in these crazy times.