Holiday Season Ads: Upgraded

Etsy Sign

It’s that time of year again—holiday shopping ads flood our mailbox, pop up on our social media, and stream endlessly on commercial breaks. While some of those big brand advertisements can feel inauthentic, materialistic, and profit-focused, Etsy’s “Give More than a Gift” campaign does just the opposite.

One of their commercials titled “Bus Stop” tells the story of an older woman who fears walking to the bus stop every day due to the rise of anti-Asian sentiment the nation experienced during the pandemic. A teenager runs after her with a forgotten belonging and helps her with her bags to the bus—he ends up doing this every day, and as a “thank you” gift the woman gives him handmade mittens (from Etsy). It’s a story of being kind towards strangers, connecting with people of all backgrounds, and giving gifts that hold a little more meaning than the mass-produced ones we might instinctively turn to. With the holiday season right around the corner, it’s ads like these—that play with human emotion and connection—that will stick out the most.


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